ASPA Wins Preliminary Hearing for the Judicial Review Regarding Work of the Bargaining Unit

On February 28, 2024, ASPA went before The Honorable Justice Crooks and successfully argued the application for judicial review was premature and therefore should be dismissed. ASPA has contacted the University to set up a meeting between the parties to discuss the possibilities for damages and your hopeful settlement on this issue. Once those discussions have occurred ASPA will be informing the membership to inform them of next steps.

ASPA respects the decision of The Honorable Justice Crooks and appreciates all those involved in fighting for our membership rights. This is another significant win for our membership. We respect those affected by this delayed process and we promise to do our best to keep all informed.

Lastly, I thank and appreciate all the effort but forward by the current Executive, Past-President, Lavina Watts, Past -Vice President Chris O’Grady, and the retired Memeber Services Officer Darcy Hiryn-Bird for all the hours put into making this a success for all.

“Our movement is of the working people, for the working people, by the working people.” – Samuel Gompers

In Solidarity,

Glenn Billingsley